History of Aloha Security, Inc.
Protecting Big Island, HI Since 1999

Aloha Security, Inc. was founded in Hilo in 1999 as a small private security agency. Since that time, we have grown to become one of the most trusted and respected security service providers. Our agents operate across the entirety of Big Island, Hawai’i. We currently have a dedicated team consisting of more than 90 security professionals protecting local schools, communities, businesses, industrial complexes, and government facilities throughout the Big Island.
A Company Built on Hard Work and Perseverance
Aloha Security, Inc. originated from humble beginnings. Founder and President, Mark Lafita recounts the challenges faced by Aloha Security in its early years and how he was able to build our company into one of the largest and most respected community businesses on the Island:
“I first started working with my father who operated his own security and investigations firm when I was 15. It was inspirational, learning the business from the ground up. Knowing that ownership was possible reinforced my early decision to pursue a career in security. I figured that I would continue several more years under his guidance to gain more experience and build capital before taking a more active role in the company. I’ll be forever grateful to him for showing me the way.
Unfortunately, when Hilo Security & Investigations had to suddenly close, waiting wasn’t an option. I had to move quickly, so with every available source of credit exhausted and a small family loan, Aloha Security was established.
I’ll admit that starting your own business takes a tremendous amount of planning, paperwork, and logistics. It was pretty tight in the early days when it actually came down to selling a few personal items to survive on ramen and purchase diapers for one of our children. Luckily, with a little determination, perseverance and a lot of hard work, we’ve built the company over the years to become a solid contributor to our community. From those humble beginnings with about a dozen people, we now employ over 90.”
Mark Lafita, President of Aloha Security, Inc.
Aloha Security Today: Big Island’s #1 Security Team
At Aloha Security, Inc., we have gained experience, fostered growth, and acquired numerous assets to become the name most widely recognized for safety and dependability on Big Island, Hawai’i. For over 20 years, we have protected individuals and businesses from all imaginable security threats. From our origin as a modest security force in Hilo, Hawai’i, we are proud to be recognized today as Big Island’s premier commercial security provider.